Tuesday, 16 July 2013


I volunteered up at Camp IAWAH last week, and as usual, French found a way to drop in as well.  It seems to be a somewhat common occurrence to be drawn back to summer camp.  People just seem to get nostalgic for that youthful feeling.  It makes sense; one thing I noticed was just now many people were smiling, and how often they smiled.  The cynic will jump all over this and say all of us people up at a Christian summer camp are deluded, but it is authentic.

French showed up mid-week and quickly volunteer to spend the day cutting lawn.  The grass was so lush, especially in comparison to last year's drought.  One morning, before another day of lawn cutting, French slipped into Primetime (an hour of praise, worship, teaching and prayer).  It was good to see him even jump and dance around a bit during one of the songs.

He'll hate me for this, but he stopped at one point and his eyes looked a bit wet.  I asked him later in the day about that, and he said that he was struck during the singing about how many blessing have flowed out to him via his relationships from Camp IAWAH.

Blessings do abound.

Here is some rough Primetime footage from my iPhone.