French had left for college, and Sweaty was pretty bored without his big bro around. So Sweaty would ring my bell to see what I was up to. Everyone did this, but Sweaty would approach it differently. For example, one day he shows up and "calls on me" and says: "I have bacon". Bacon nice! So we followed this old cow track down to the river and set up a campfire. Sweaty kept a black frying pan up in a tree down by this favourite spot. We cooked this bacon up. It was more than a kilo of Canadian or peameal bacon. I didn't ask where he got it, but it sure was nice. The sun was going down slowly, the smoke was floating out over the marshy river, a couple of ducks were swimming out in the bay...sublime.
Another time Sweaty showed up again and said: "There was a party at the locks last night." I was like: "Oh yeah?" I was not too concerned about a past tense party. He then explained that there were a tonne of empties and we could make some serious beer money. We collected over 300 empties and brought them back. French was in town so he bought us some beers. All three of us wandered down to the river, stoked the fire, cooked up more bacon and told some stories. We kept the beers chilled in the river. French said: "We gotta throw a line in here some day." Next time out we were frying perch in a whack of butter and chives.
I wonder if that frying pan is still up that tree.
Great story! I used to keep an old CCM hockey bag full of stolen labatt's blue at the bottom of a cold rushing creek near the sandpits near my folk's house. Every few days after school "Chips" Miller and I would walk up to the pits and pull that bag out and nail back a few. We'd top it off with a DuMaurier. Then we'd head on home for supper. My dear old Mother would be raising hell with me for being late, but I just sat at the table smiling, too drunk to care. As for the butter and chives, a guy I knew, Enzo Molini, use to put a mixture of butter and chives on his pecker before bed every night. Said it kept it from getting chapped in the winter.
such a wonderful story..delicious too. I love bacon :)
"I was not too concerned about a past tense party"...
favorite quote
Love these stories of happy wanderings just enjoying the impulse of the moment! Good one!
It would be very convenient if you would put all of these little stories onto paper pages and bind them together - makes reading tehm all at once much easier. :-)
It's memories like these which remind us we have walked the earth, and noticed our own footprints.
This was a nice read, I enjoyed the story very much
Great story, I love the frying pan hanging in the tree. :-)
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Ahh A almost Frenchless story!! It was a splendid one I can se ethe pan in that tree and what story is not good if it has Bacon in it...now Im hungry.
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