No person I ever met was more of a paradox than French. I've seen him tell a teacher that they are a "fucking asshole", punch his locker, throw a computer out a window along with a tray of test tubes, and later that day he'd be sitting in his shed writing down a list of songs that make him cry.
Paradox seems to be a powerful force in the universe; no one embraced that more than French. The only thing that ever made him laugh was irony. Irony is birthed through paradox. Often French would be laughing and no one would be real clear as to why he was laughing. He saw the irony in almost everything. This characteristic made him kinda of an awkward person to be around. A lot of people took him as weird, or they worried that he was laughing at them; a typical self-centred, ego driven response. I learned a long time ago to be aware and just laugh with him.
This Christmas I'll honor that with French's favourite drink: Irish Cream (the whole bottle), and a whole pot of coffee. As French would say: "I like to be hyper and drunk". I'll have the coffee brewing and the Bailey's at hand this Christmas; he often comes by my place so we can go to midnight mass.
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