Friday, 17 September 2010

Notebook Poems - Two Sides of French

These are a couple of poems from French's notebook.


little fashion risk taker
boots, heels, skirts, flair
loving and hating the stares
so deeply fragile
beautiful, but breaking
in front of the class


blood in tiny splatters
a red mist
a fight unfaded
jumped and suckered in '92
tides turned
heads faces pulped

evidence blackened
above the urinal
years later


Square Corner said...

"a red mist
a fight unfaded"
Nice. I didn't know French had it in him. If you find anymore of his poems, post 'em. Good stuff.

Matt McKechnie said...

evidence blackened above the urinal. nice one chief.

Human Paradox said...

Deeply fragile hearts and pulped faces. Just another day at Smith Falls High. Didn't know French had those in 'em.

Anonymous said...

you need to get ON this.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

beautiful perspective.