Monday 11 February 2013

A Prayer for Rose

My phone rang on Sunday; it was Bruce Fish.  I think that is the 2nd time that he has called in three years, so I was pretty surprised.  He beat around the bush for a bit chatting about wrestling, his truck, and his dog.  Abruptly, he said: "Rose wants you to pray for her".  I said, "certainly".  He launched into his explanation.  Then said that he had to call French, and hung up.

Turns out Rose thought she was pregnant.  Her and Bruce Fish have one child, so far, but she really wants one more.  She envisions a little playmate for her baby.  Rose is approaching 40, (Bruce is older still) and she feels that time is running out.  Rose was so convinced that she was expecting that she had named the baby, and she was "talking" to it in her womb. Sadly, she was just uncharacteristically late.  Bruce almost hung up when he got to this part of his story.

Children are such a blessing, may Rose, and Bruce Fish, be blessed.


Terri D said...

Ah, heck. I'll for sure add them to my daily prayers!

Shelly Miller said...

Sometimes we want something so badly, we'll imagine it into existence. Hope God answers their prayers.

Kelli Woodford said...

wow. i sense a theme here -- you and emily both writing on pregnancy and the incredible beauty of life.

love resonates through it all in such gentle whispers, doesn't it?

Robert J. Gerryts said...

I see I have messed up a bit by not visiting here more often. Great read. Be back often.

Mommy Emily said...

oh man. life is so mysterious. Rose reminds me of Sarah, Abraham's wife, and with Sarah, age wasn't an issue. praying for miracles for Rose.

Brandee Shafer said...

Please tell Rose Fish that she has my faithful prayers. It's not too late.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

As a new visitor to your blog, I do not know the back story of Rose but I am sending prayers and thoughts your way.