Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Art Explosion

Had a great holiday weekend with the lads and the Fams - swimming and fishing at the cottage.

Seems like some of the guys have got art on their minds. Bruce Fish is tinkering away, as always, on his projects. Sweaty calls himself "the Artist of the Grill". Funny - he only cooks back bacon. We have this ancient Ranchero BBQ - rusty, beat-up and full of hot and cold spots. Sweaty kept the bacon grilling regardless.

And French spent the whole holiday weekend taking photos through beer bottles. I've posted one of the shots that French took as the header.

Pancake and I spent most of the time pulling sunfish off hooks down on the dock. He made this observation: "Fifteen years ago we came up here, got drunk and passed out...things have changed".

Rose looked up from her Bible and said: "Its nice".


Fisheye Lens said...

Seemed like I was looking through a beer bottle all weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think I know these guys, even though I never met them. Good summer post.

Square Corner said...

Er, that previous anonymous post was me.


Anonymous said...

Pretty soon, you and your boys will be up there pulling fish off hooks, getting drunk and passing out just like the old days with Pancake. It's good. The Bible has more meaning when your hung to the roof.
