Thursday 10 February 2011

looking into French's notebook

I read a page of French's notebook this morning.  It revealed an untold story of French and Bruce Fish; buried deep amidst the lyrics, poems and sketches.  I witnessed some of  this, but this one page showed another layer to the events.

The only money that Bruce Fish had in high school was from selling golf balls back to the Forest View Country Club.  This income source dried up, so things were really tight over the winter.  He showed up at school one really cold day with only a ragged windbreaker.  Bruce Fish was freezing after school and his bus was late.  A couple of bullies were harassing him and teasing him about his jacket.  Bruce Fish kept saying "I'm impervious to the cold - hell no it ain't even cold".  They then started to get on him about this..."There is the super human Bruce Fish".  They all scattered when French arrived to catch the same bus.

Bruce Fish put on a brave face, but he was suffering.

In the notebook there was a little scheme laid out.  French had a tally, in ledger form, that held an account of how many contraband cigarettes he had to sell to buy a winter jacket for Bruce Fish.  French sold 94 Ziploc bags of Benson and Hedges.

I remember wondering were Bruce Fish got that fancy Sun Ice ski jacket.

Also posted to Thursday's Tales:


Fisheye Lens said...

Too bad French didn't know my Old Man back in high school -- he could have put him down for a lot of those Ziplocs.

Brother Ollie said...

I bought a few of those bags myself.

Human Paradox said...

I know lots of good Native lads that would be happy to help with that cause. Good ol' French.

Reflections said...

Love your take on this one... not what I was expecting, but a definite good buy.

all ways 11 o'clock said...

we survive.
"...super human Bruce Fish."

great post.


Matt McKechnie said...

nice post ollie. French and Fish are characters we need in our everyday experiences. I thought he got the jacket by sellin' labatt 50 from Quebec at a cheaper price than the beer store out of his truck cab?

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love this story!! French is a good guy!

Mommy Emily said...

intriguing blog, old ollie... so glad to have met you.

The Poet said...

I agree with Sherry. Great story. French did a good thing.