Monday 21 March 2011

Rum and Coke

I'm just coming off a nice March break.  Maybe a little too nice.  It is hard to get around the garage...too many empties.  Beau's Beer came out with a delicious seasonal called Beaver River I.P. eh.  That tasty India Pale Ale accounts for some of the empties.  Nowadays I have to keep myself in check when I'm having a few cold ones. Back in my more party oriented days we had a signal that we had imbibed too many.  When rum and cokes came in to play we agreed to pack it in.

If someone started drinking this mix we just knew something bad was about to happen.  Rum and cokes for us equalled:  broken noses, and broken hearts.   Once French made out with Mean Dean's girlfriend at a party.  I came upstairs and saw French and a girl called Buffy-Jo really going at it.  All the while French was drinking and spilling a rum and coke.

I had to head Mean Dean off at the stairs and and then I sent Buffy-Jo one way and then stumble walked French the other way; back to his shed.  A fight between these two heavy hitters would have wrecked the whole house

Bloody rum and coke.  It was always like that.  Pancake came up with the rule.  It was a good rule and I'm sure it kept us outta trouble. 

Then again, pretty much every night back then ended with Pancake buying a whole tray: "one for each of  yahs and couple more for the ladies."


all ways 11 o'clock said...

devil rum and coke
it is true
black and blue
your face
your heart
goes up in smoke
those days are gone
but my nose still tells the story

good one Ollie


Fisheye Lens said...

It was the rye and Coke that did it to me -- brought up the primordial sludge, the stuff that should never be roused from its slumber.

I know a guy who flew all the way from Hawaii to get his mitts on a Beau's IPA.

erin said...

i can attest
rum and coke's mean upper right
rests right there on robert's hook

i laugh
days long before me

oh, ollie, you live it and write it as i know it, the world from which i'm from


R. Burnett Baker said...

Perhaps you could appreciate a beer I found just recently at my local liquor store: Raging Bitch Beer.

I took a photo of it with my cell... Sounds like someone's nightmare of coming home late with the missus waiting behind the door with an empty in her hand! :)


Human Paradox said...

When the R n C's come out, I put my steel toed boots back on. Nice post Olie.

MrB said...

Oh yes, Fisheye has got it: Rye rage!