Wednesday 25 April 2012

Fred and French

French almost lost it the other day in the staff room. A fellow teacher made an off hand remark and French went into a slow burn. The comment was just this: "there are no more singer/songwriters anymore." French said what about Fred Eaglesmith?

The person that made the remark had never heard of him. French barely kept his cool and said: "I'll burn you a disc". I cold tell that he was angry though. He hates it when people make comments that reveal their ignorance. He usually does not let it go.

I knew what he was talking about.  I'm the one that introduced him to Eaglesmith.

French always made me listen to music in his shed. He said he was educating me. Once I brought over a Fred Eaglesmith tape and he gave it a listen. I was singing along, he told me to "shut up...I can't hear". He was taken by the music, and wanted to absorb it. He got out his guitar and started to learn how to play along. Together we have learned how to play 130 of his songs. Fred Eaglesmith has a new album out, so we have another 10 songs to work on.

Check out this fine Canadian singer/songwriter. 


Ramblings by Carol Nuckols said...

That fellow teacher has obviously never been to Austin, Texas, which bills itself as "the music capital of the world." It's bursting with fine singer/songwriters. Ray Wylie Hubbard and Eliza Gilkyson are only two of my favorites.
Thank you for introducing me to Fred Eaglesmith.

Kat Mortensen said...

I fear, I have been ignorant of this man's existence. Thanks for introducing him to me.

Are you familiar with Tom Russell?

Brandee Shafer said...

Do y'all play and sing any Merle Haggard?

temporal rooms said...

i love Fred Eaglesmith along with Willie P. Bennet. both national treasures in my mind. there is Ron Hynes and David Francy from down east here. there are hundreds of great Canadian songwriters. plus the poor chap should just go out to his local and watch and hear the people on stage just pouring their hearts out.

i saw red.


happygirl said...

I had not heard of Fred Eaglesmith. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Robert J. Gerryts said...

Came here for the Imperfect, but liked this one more. Very familiar with Fred, he's from a town beside my small town that no one has ever heard of (He's from Caistor, I'm in Wellandport). I see his nephew once in a while in Grimsby.

Great piece Ollie.