Thursday 14 June 2012

Junk Car Economics

When I was a kid we actually moved into town because my mother hated that our country neighbours kept adding more junky car wrecks to their property.  One day, the huge hedge wasn't enough and we packed our stuff and moved into the suburbs.  I hated the suburbs...still do.

Where my mother saw ugliness Bruce Fish saw beauty; beauty of a system.  Bruce Fish had an uncle that always said it is better to have four $100 cars, than one $400 car.  (Add a zero for today's economy).  He taught Bruce the value of this via some old Reliant K Cars. You'd choose one to be the main drivable one, and then you'd strip parts from the other three, as needed, to keep it running.

I saw this in action once.  Bruce Fish was installing a "new" wind shield on a car in his driveway.  His uncle was showing him how to put in place, and seal it up right.  Another time French showed them all how to  "boost" a radio and pop the working one it into the uncle's good car.

Bruce Fish's uncle gestured a lot with his quart bottle of Molson Ex and said: "look go get yourself  four cheap ass cars, build up one good one.  That is just good economics.  swig  Just make sure it is four of the same model.  I learned that the hard way." He started loudly belly laughing then slapped a playful headlock on Bruce Fish.

I still see him driving that car when I get back home.


happygirl said...

Genius economics, but I have to agree with your mom. I hate living next door to the geniuses. I don't like the suburbs, either. (now I'm humming the Green Acres tune in my head) I love the city life. :)

Pat Hatt said...

Wow surely a bright bunch, wouldn't want to look at it, but beats a damn car payment.

Jennifer Dougan said...

Old Ollie,

Nice to meet you. I was caught up in your story and could see it too. Thanks. Growing up in the country for 6 years, there used to be this phenomenal junk pile that we would bike to and explore. Old cars by the dozens, dead dogs, leaning houses, and many more kid treasures to clamber over.

Thanks for stopping by my site "Jottings from Jennifer." Have a great week.

Jennifer Dougan

Jen said...

The long bearded country neighbor I have next door I think has the same philosophy as Bruce Finch. Lol

Alicia said...

So glad I "met you" here today. Thanks for stopping by the Overflow this week. I have a five year old who would LOVE to live next to your junk-car-piling neighbor. ANd I agree with that genius! (But don't blame your mom for moving :)) By the way, I prefer cornfields to suburbs any day!

Alecia Simersky said...

That brought me back to the small town in Southern AL where I'm from. I always wondered what the appeal was for the big junk yard filled with cars, or for that matter in some yards :)

What's that saying, One man's junk is another's treasure? so true.

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

If I tried to do that, bad things would happen. Guess I'm not a man's man.

junk car prices said...

Very informative blog specially i am planning to sell my used car that i bought last year..i will sell it because i will bought a new one..