Wednesday 5 December 2012

On Snow Tires and Prayers

The current labour issues in teaching are actually good for French.  He's been hired to take on a variety of duties for the next two weeks.  He's really happy to have a steady job heading into Christmas.  French will truly earn this money; supply teaching is no easy gig.

French has been staying with Bruce Fish for the last little while. They've been busy changing tires; just taking advantage of the big rush for us Canadians to put on our, all too necessary, snow tires.  Bruce Fish has a place with a nice shop, so they've been busy.  The rush is over, so these teaching job works out great.

He said it was fun hanging out with Bruce Fish and Rose Fish as well, but he had been a bit uncomfortable at times.  Everyday Rose Fish gets out a stack of Bibles at morning coffee.  She makes the lads read a passage, then she asks for prayer requests.  Then Rose right jumps right into it; just prays and talks to God.

French always tries to weasel out of it, but Rose Fish knows his ways.  She somehow always gets French to take part.  He always fusses and fidgets during these moments.  As soon as Rose Fish said amen, he'd hand the Bible back, take a last swig of coffee, and bolt back to the shop.

I asked him why he felt that way.  He said: "I don't know really know.  It is just that things happen when she prays."


Brandee Shafer said...

I love Rose Fish. She's probably praying for French up one side and down the other. She should hook him up with a nice, church girl.

Kati Woronka said...

oh that's awesome! I can relate to his fear, too... it's fear of God! A good thing, right? But still scary

Mommy Emily said...

all of this time, i never clued into the fact that rose and bruce were married. someday i'm going to have to meet you all.

Cindy said...

Interesting - I was thinking on you this week - missing these raw, life moments you always give, and I was able - quite by accident come to Emily's new site! And there you still are! Well, French has it summed up nicely - I think he is wondering what might happen that he doesn't want to happen just yet!