Wednesday 27 March 2013

Rose's Fight

Rose Fish got into a fight.  Shocking right?  Well "fight" might not be the right word, but she was involved in a heated disagreement; in a rural church parking lot, no less.  A friend wanted Rose to put a marriage equality sticker on the bumper of her mini-van.  Something like this:

Rose refused.

The friend responded that, "she didn't think she needed to talk about marriage equality with her friends, she had just assumed that she was preaching to the choir."  She then called Rose "intolerant".

Rose responded to this accusations as best she could.  She told the angry, yet tolerant, lady that Jesus did not call us to be tolerant, but to love, and that her friend needed to learn the difference.  Rose also told her adversary that the sticker was an idol, and she would have no part with it.

At that point the argument got really heated, and much more emotional.  Bruce Fish managed to bundle up his wife and kids, and drive home.

French told me all of this on the phone last night.   I'll be seeing Rose this weekend.  Her and Bruce Fish usually come back to town to visit his mother.  So I'm trying to gather some wise counsel on this issue.


Brandee Shafer said...

The "sticker as idol" part is really interesting to me. I've seen many conservative bumper stickers (pro-life, etc.).

I have a blog post for my friend, Rose, actually. Don't let her miss the video at the end.

Poetic Soul said...

Rose sure does stand her ground

Nacole said...

Yes, I've seen many "tolerant" people being angry, and I've also seen "intolerant" people being angry--it's really on both sides. I think we just need to be like Jesus--I used to think that was so cliche' and so elementary and soft--WWJD--but the more I live, the more I find out that being like Jesus is very hard and takes grit and can leave you out of many circles--especially Christian ones. It's not for the weak or faint of heart.

Unknown said...

Hi Ollie
I think marriage is much more of a love relationship that an equal rights partnership!! Good for Rose. She is our hero.
Visiting via Emily's.

Lisa notes... said...

Sometimes it's hardest to be tolerant of the intolerant. I don't have any advice to give, just prayers for peaceful hearts, whichever side of the issue they fall on.