Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Half Your Age Plus Ten

Had a few festive drinks last night with the lads.  Sweaty sat there all night looking at PD's sketch pad.  Occasionally he'd pull out a coloured pencil and do a bit of work; guess he's got the bug.  The rest of us just chatted and sipped on our rusty nails.

Lonesome 50 sat alone.  I think we were wearing him out...especially Sweaty.  The Tavern was quiet, but French rhymed off his latest tales.  We all listened.

A cute little brunette came in around midnight.  Pancake said: "Ain't that your hot neighbour from when you was a kid?"  Sure enough it was.  She was my first crush. I was 13 she was 25; it never worked out.  She went by and said: "hi boys".  I just grinned like I was a teen again.

PD said: "That my friends is a beautiful woman".

She went over to Lonesome 50 and the left together moments later.

We all looked puzzled. Pancake said: " How do they know each other"?

French said: "They are dating."

We all did some mental math. The hot neighbour of my youth was 51 and Lonesome 50 was at least 80.

French piped up: "Look guys it is a simple rule that he has followed his whole life.  The perfect woman is always half your age plus ten".

We pondered that for a bit.


Fisheye Lens said...

"I was 13 and she was 25; it never worked out." Freaking awesome that an attempt was made.

Now that I'm armed with Lonesome 50's formula, my 30 yr old nutty hot physiotherapist is back on my radar.

Frangipan said...

Haha I loved this story, Lucky Lonesome 50. That's the right attitude to have in life, ambition.

The Square Corner said...

I just read it was half your age plus 7. That puts mine at 34.5 years of age. It still seems too old for me.