This picture has been doing the rounds out on the Internet. Rose saw it and she was so upset that she left the room. She slammed her door so hard the frame popped.
Bruce Fish said: "Ah hell she's just fed up with the whole world some days".
Pancake was pretty sympathetic. His dad has always been a mystical guy. Currently, Pancake's dad calls himself a Zen-Christian. Good thing Rose had left. Pancake is perpetually in her bad-books.
I said my standard line: "Never let religion get in the way of your faith". Standard, yes, but I mean it. The people promoting this idea seem to be against religion and doctrine; so we might be at a stalemate.
Sweaty shrugged and said, " it was all bullshit." He was as ambiguous as usual.
French had this to say before we changed the subject: "It puts forward some tough ass questions, but these secular fundamentalists are a worrisome bunch".
What do you say?