Friday, 2 March 2012

Looking the Part

French has gotten a few rare gigs as a supply teacher at the school where I teach recently.  This is great, but I've noticed a change...and outward one. 

French has cut his hair, and trimmed his facial hair.  He has also really altered his wardrobe.  I work in the tech wing so I try to blend in with denim and plaid.  When he comes down to our end of the school he really stands out.  He has taken to wearing a tweed jacket, tie, and khakis.  French has also started to wear very hip thick rimmed glasses (non-prescription lenses).  To finish it all off he wears Chuck Taylors.  He even carries around a leather satchel/briefcase.

I asked him: "What's with the get-up?"

He replied: "Just looking the part."

He explained that he was trying to look academic, yet cool.  French says, "that you gotta be down with the kids and the admin."

1 comment:

Mommy Emily said...

oh french. don't give in to the peer pressure man. we love you the way you are.