Thursday, 22 March 2012

Rattled by Rose

I was sitting on Pancake's deck in this oddly warm March weather on the weekend.  The usually quiet Rose Fish sat down beside me and launched into a very uncharacteristic burst of information.  She said that she had witnessed some healings while on a mission trip to Las Vegas.

Her church had gone down to work with a growing number of homeless men in that city.  Rose said that she had literally spent seven hours praying with her fellow missionaries and then set out for a night shift ministering to the street people of Vegas.  They had prayed over a man with a withered leg.  Rose lit up when she told me that she saw it grow back to a healthy state, in moments, with her own eyes.  I just looked at her, and said nothing.

Then she added that one of the missionaries had a gum, and tooth problem that would require a root canal.  They prayed over her, and the tooth went from diseased and rotten to healthy and pain free.  Again this was right in front of her eyes.  When the story ended she got up and went over to tell Sweaty.

I want to believe her, but I don't really.  This troubles me, and has ever since she told me on the weekend. 

Rose had told French the same story.  We talked about faith and French said: "Faith is easier said then done."  French took a swig from his Harp Lager and added: "Doubt isn't the opposite of faith, it is an element of faith."


erin said...

ollie, i don't know what to say. what an extraordinary life you lead. (what extraordinary lives we all lead.) i want to hold your arms in tightly by your side and kiss you on the head! are you living inside of a tightly wound (and sometimes perverse) story of truth? aren't we all?


Brandee Shafer said...

Can you go with her, next time?

Ella said...

I can see why you doubt! I doubt, too
I want to believe, but I need to see just a bit...
Just seeing a fragment of truth sustains one's faith...
You keep looking for your own insight! Until we see or feel it...we are on the outside looking in!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Great story, Ollie. Can she do me? My teeth desperately need a dentist's intervention, but as Canada has such a lovely two-tier system, poor old people have to learn to gum their food, or beat it to death with their tongues.......sorry, too much information? Hee hee. And - it is SNOWING here. Again. Still. I am unhinged.

Anonymous said...

"Doubt isn't the opposite of faith, it is an element of faith." What a ray of hope there is in that statement for those of us who are doubting thomases! Thank you for this post...

happygirl said...

Wise man, that French. Doubt is not the opposite of faith, but an element of faith. GREAT piece. I want to believe, but I doubt, as well.

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

Old Ollie,

This is simply magnificent.....It fulfils the idea of 'seeing is believing,' as well as 'keeping faith.'.....

A story well worth publishing!


Dave King said...

A splendid post. It is one of the dilemmas of the modern age, I think, wanting desperately to believe anyone and anything clearly on the side of good against evil, but not always able to do so. The forces of good seem so far overwhelmed at times, the urge to support them at all costs can be almost irrisistible.

Unknown said...

Challenges of faith are what make it so. Miracles... I believe.

Ed Pilolla said...

the stories of these miracles are so appealing. my father was a famous agnostic (at least to me:), and he used to say that if god was good then he wouldn't mind someone doubting his existence at all. he ought to find a little doubt quite reasonable, especially if you remain open minded to new evidence. having real faith doesn't mean erasing any and all versions of critical thinking. nice piece.

Mommy Emily said...

this is so wise. an element of faith. YES!! yes. yes.

rch said...

I always get that pang of guilt when I question, but then I remember that it's not lack of belief, just seeking a better understanding. This is one of my favorites of yours.

Bethany Ann said...

"an element of faith". how many words have i wasted trying to say that?!