Wednesday 5 May 2021

We Got You

For many years a group of us would travel south from Canada and visit Stowe Vermont.  We'd try to go there in the early fall on the Canadian Thanksgiving Long Weekend/Columbus Day.  The autumn leaves would be out and the trails would be open.  One year we had hiked all day and were really hungry.  We walked into a restaurant, and it was packed.  The hostess said: "We can squeeze you in upstairs".  French agreed, and off we went.  We thanked her and she responded "No problem. It is a squeezy squeezy night".    Years later we still say this funny phrase if we go into a busy restaurant or bar.

The best part was that the upstairs was actually a small private room.  It was perfect.  The waitress said: "Are you Canadian?"  We acknowledged that we were.  She then said: "We got you".  A few minutes later she came back with a table d'hote menu with Canadian Thanksgiving.  We agreed right away, and she promptly brought out a full turkey dinner.  It was magnificent.  We stayed until closing and put a good dent in their keg.  

We kept this tradition up for a few more years.  The place changed owners (actually a couple of times), but we still love to reminisce about that wonderful "squeezy squeezy night".


Magaly Guerrero said...

I can see why you kept the tradition, some places (and people) are just so very welcoming.

Gillena Cox said...

Nice place. Happy Wednesday


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What a sweet memory! Sometimes things just work out wonderfully well, we know not how.

indybev said...

Sounds a magic place. No wonder it's one of your favorites!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Wonderful memory! And good that the experience was shared with companions, I think. (Not unlike Bev's post for this prompt.) I enjoyed your reminiscence; also I like your design, which gives me a sense of the place in a different way.

Old Egg said...

What a delightful true story, no wondfer you wrote about it. Memories like this stay with you forever.

Debi Swim said...

Wonderful memory and nice to have "squeezy, squeezy night" to say as a remembrance.

Kim M. Russell said...

it's comforting to have a place you can go back to again and again.

Rommy said...

It must have been a delight to find a place that was not just welcoming, but gave you a taste of home when you were famished. It's worth going through a squeasy night to get that kind of welcome and warmth.

cricket said...

a fine memory, and turn of the phrase ~

Jim said...

Olie, we may have seen you there in Stowe, 2003 maybe. Before I started blogging. We went from Manchester, N.H. up to Montreal and back, then to Maine. We spent about a week in The East Township.
It was wonderful that you all came and came.
.. . said...

Sounds wonderful. It’s nice to have a saying you can continue to use.