Wednesday 13 April 2011

a few beers, a few songs...good times

Got the chance to go see JD Edwards and Tom Savage play a little gig at the Manx.  It was a good night .  French discontinued his hooting and hollering, because I was filming, for this one song. Then he got right back to it.  We worked on this video together a bit.  The editing is a little rough...'effin run time errors.

I first met JD back at camp.  French, Sweaty, Pancake, and JD all loved fishing.  We had some old beat up canoes out on a pond.  We'd get out there quick after work and catch some bass 'til the sun set.

JD wasn't the best fisherman, but he can play guitar, sing and blow a mean harp. 

Here is the Clip:  JD and Tom - the Manx


all ways 11 o'clock said...

hey Ollie
looks like you had a good time
fine video
and a good write


erin said...

Savage's voice is wonderfully rich. that, the playing, the light, the beer - makes me realize it's been clear over a decade, i think, since i've been out. holy. holy.

looks like a good rich time. the canoes speak to me too.


Human Paradox said...

Sat in that seat at the Manx many a blurry night. I like JD's style - great wailing. Thanks Olie.